Thursday 26
09:00 – 9:30 Registration (Main Hall, Facultad de Filosofía)
09:30 – 10:00 Conference Opening (Salón de Actos Biblioteca María Moliner)
10:00 – 11:15 Plenary Lecture (Salón de Actos Biblioteca María Moliner): Prof. Declan Kiberd (University of Notre Dame; UCD): "Modernism in the Streets: Joyce and Pearse in 1916". Chair: Constanza del Río
11:15 – 12:00 Coffee break (Cafetería Facultad Filosofía y Letras)
I: (Salón de Actos Bib. María Moliner). Revolutionary voices in narrative. Chair: Pilar Villar-Argáiz
- M. Teresa Caneda (Universidade de Vigo). “Writing as Revolt: Mobility, Voice and Agency in the Fiction of Evelyn Conlon”
- Melania Terrazas (Universidad de la Rioja). “Evelyn Conlon on Art: Revolution and Gender in “What Happens at Night” (2014)”
- Marisol Morales (Universidad de Alcalá). “The struggling ‘r/evolutionary’ women of 1916 in Lia Mill’s Fallen”
- David Clark (Universidade da Coruña). “Crime and Revolution: Irish crime fiction and the revolutionary period”
II: (Sala de Juntas Facultad Filosofía y Letras) Beckett and Revolution. Chair: Juan Ignacio Oliva
- José Francisco Fernández (Universidad de Almería). “Beckett and the Easter Rising”
- Siobhán Purcell (NUI, Galway). “1916: Disability, Sanity and Heroism in Murphy”
- Seán Kennedy (Saint Mary’s College). “Beckett’s Abortive Republics”
- Michael D’Arcy (Saint FX University). “’Time Empty of Meaning’: On the Revolutionary Failure of Beckett’s Verbs”
III: (Aula Magna Facultad Filosofía y letras). Memory work and violence in the arts. Chair: Stephanie Schwerter
- Máire Braniff (Ulster University). “Memory-work and Martyrdom: prosthetic memories in 2016 Northern Ireland”
- Billy Gray (Dalarna University). “‘A thrilling beauty’?: Violence, Memory and the Shankill Butchers in Eoin McNamee’s Resurrection Man”
- John Braidwood (University of Oulu). “Bobby Sands and the HBlock hunger strikes: extreme acts of redemptive violence”
- María Isabel Seguro (Universitat de Barcelona). “Martin McDonagh’s The Lieutenant of Inishmore: A R(e)volutionary Attitude Towards Violence?”
14:00 – 16:00 Lunch break (Restaurante Pico-pico, c/ Arzobispo Apaolaza nº 11)
I: (Salón de Actos Biblioteca María Moliner). Poetic female resistance. Chair: Elena Jaime de Pablos
- Pilar Villar-Argáiz (Universidad de Granada). “Ethical contemplations of violence and death: The inoperative community in Eavan Boland's poetry”
- Jaclyn Allen (UCD). “Resistance in the maquis: the revolution of the woman poet in the poetry of Blanaid Salkeld and Freda Laughton”
- M. Jesús Lorenzo-Modia. (Universidade da Coruña): “Revolution/Evolution/Involution in the North as seen by Medbh McGuckian”
II: (Sala de Juntas Facultad Filosofía y Letras). The politics of trade unions and “people power”. Chair: Linda Connolly
- Gerard Madden (NUI, Galway). “Monitoring suspected ‘revolutionaries’: John Charles McQuaid and the Marine, Port and General Workers’ Union”
- Chris Gilligan (University of the West of Scotland). “People power and the origins of war and peace in Northern Ireland”
III: (Aula Magna Filosofía y Letras). Gender Discourses and Sexuality 1. Chair: Auxiliadora Pérez Vides
- Linda Connolly (University College Cork). “Gendering 2016”
- Thomas Earls FitzGerald (Trinity College Dublin). “Violence against women: 1918-1920”
- Christian Ferrer (Universidad de Granada). “Homosexuality in Ireland nowadays. Panti Bliss: a drag queen in the fight for LGTB rights and the deconstruction of heteronormativity”
17:30 – 18:00 Coffee break (Cafetería Facultad Filosofía y Letras)
18:00 – 19:00 Guest artist (Salón de Actos Biblioteca María Moliner). Vukasin Nedeljkovic: “Asylum Archive: an Archive of Asylum and Direct Provision in Ireland”. Chair: Sara Martín-Ruiz.
19:30 - 20:15 Cultural event (Aula Magna Facultad Filosofía y Letras): Irish folk music recital by “Celtic Airs”
21:00 - 22:30 Reception sponsored by the Embassy of Ireland (Cafetería – Restaurante Buisán, c / Ossau, 1 [“El Tubo”])
Friday 27
I: (Salón de Actos Biblioteca Mª Moliner). Gender Discourses and Sexuality 2. Chair: Jose María Yebra
- Elena Cantueso (Universidad de Málaga). “Women’s time to fight their war: sexuality and the devotional revolution in Edna O’Brien’s The Country Girls”
- José Carregal Romero (Universidade de Vigo). “A Sexual Revolution: Sex and Sexuality in Colm Tóibín’s 1986 drafts of The South”
- Burcu Gülüm Tekin (Universidad de Granada). “Gender Revolution and subversive wives in Roddy Doyle’s The Van”
II: (Sala de Juntas Facultad Filosofía y Letras). Military Service (1916-1923) Pension Project - Department of Defence, Ireland. Chair: Stephen Hopkins
- Cécile Gordon (archivist). “The Irish Citizen Army and the Military Service (1916-1923) Pensions Collection: evidence of a revolution”
- Robert McEvoy (archivist). “The Forgotten Dead?: Irish Civil War Casualties in the Military Service (1916-1923) Pensions Collection”
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break (Cafetería Facultad Filosofía y Letras)
11:00 – 12:15 Plenary Lecture (Salón de Actos Biblioteca María Moliner). Prof. Gerardine Meaney (UCD). “Revolutionary Networks: James Joyce, Rosamund Jacob and the Streets of Dublin”. Chair: Rosa González.
I: (Sala Ángel San Vicente). Contesting Bodies. Chair: Marisol Morales
- Elena Jaime de Pablos (Universidad de Almería). “The Ethics of Violence: Spiritual Terror and Bodily Punishment in The Elysium Testament by Mary O'Donnell”
- Aida Rosende Pérez (Universitat de les Illes Balears). “A Revolutionary Road?: Un/Veiling Women’s Bodies in Celtic Tiger Ireland”
- Auxiliadora Pérez Vides (Universidad de Huelva). “The Female Body Fights Back: Towards a Magdalene Revolution in Irish Visual Arts”
II: (Aula Magna Facultad Filosofía y Letras). The Irish People’s Rising. Chair: José Ruiz Más
- Patricia de Aquino (University of Sao Paulo). “Ireland and her People in Lady Gregory’s Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland”
- Sean Darmody (Trinity College Dublin, University of Szeged, University of Oradea). “Revolution or Evolution in rural Ireland with reference to Erris Head Mayo”
- Maurice O’Keeffe (Independent researcher). “The 1916 Rising Oral History Collection”
III: (Sala de Juntas Facultad Filosofía y Letras). Dysfunctionality and involution in Irish society. Chair: Melania Terrazas
- Ekaterina Mavlikaeva (Universidad de Zaragoza). “Evolution or Devolution? Subaltern Childhoods in Beat Him Like a Badger by Rosaleen McDonagh”
- Carmen Zamorano (Dalarna University). “Revolutionising the Irish Family: Global Ageing and the (Dys)functional Family in Jennifer Johnston’s Foolish Mortals”
- Ángela Rivero Izquierdo (Universidad de Granada). “‘Cook your own bloody meals’: Battling the social construct of Irish womanhood in Maeve Kelly’s ‘The Vain Woman’”
14:00 – 16:00 Lunch break (Restaurante Pico-pico, c/ Arzobispo Apaolaza nº 11)
16:00 – 17:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS:
I: (Sala de Juntas Facultad Filosofía y Letras). Contemporary Northern Irish fiction. Chair: Máire Braniff
- Caroline Magennis (University of Salford). : “A ‘series of failed revolutions’? Hope, optimism and fear in contemporary Northern Irish fiction”
- Britta Olinder (Göteborg University). “Women Writers of The Troubles”
- Stephanie Schwerter (Université de Valenciennes). "Changing Rhetoric of Political Violence: Belfast in Nothing Personal and A Belfast Story”
II: (Aula Magna Filosofía y Letras). Gendered Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics. Chair: María Amor Barros del Río
- Nancy Ávila Ledesma (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Carolina Amador (Universidad de Extremadura). “On gendered discourse of Irishness and Revolution: A corpus approach”
- Miguel-Ángel Benítez-Castro (Universidad de Zaragoza) and Encarnación Hidalgo-Tenorio (Universidad de Granada). “‘I had my name changed and I was known as number 27’: A critical discourse analysis of the Magdalene Laundries survivors’ interviews”
- Ana María Terrazas Calero (Universidad de Extremadura). “Literary Revolutions: The use of fictionalized Irish English and its representation of contemporary Ireland”
III: (Salón de Actos Biblioteca María Moliner). International connections. Chair: José Francisco Fernández
- David Convery (NUI Galway). “From Piccadilly Circus to the Puerta del Sol: The revolutionary thought and action of Republican Congress abroad”
- James Heaney (Carlow College). “’Always historicize’? Writing the Revolution in Ireland and Spain – A Comparative analysis of literature by Patrick Pearse and Rafael Alberti”
- José Ruiz Mas (Universidad de Granada). “Irishness, Englishness, Spanishness and the Rhetoric of Violence in Kate O’Brien’s Farewell Spain”
17:30 – 18:00 Coffee break (Cafetería Facultad Filosofía y Letras)
18:00 – 19:00 Guest artist (Salón de Actos Biblioteca María Moliner). Sarah Clancy: Poetry Reading and public interview. Chair: Sara Martín-Ruiz
I: (Salón de Actos Biblioteca María Moliner). Literary Revolutions and Cinematic Evolutions. Chair: Carmen Zamorano
- Germán Asensio (Universidad de Almería). “Revolting Against the Mid-century Irish Literary Establishment: Flann O’Brien’s Short Fiction”
- Raita Merivirta (University of Turku). “From Evergreen to Michael Collins: The Evolution of the Neil Jordan Screenplay”
II: (Sala de Juntas Facultad Filosofía y Letras). Celtic Tiger Developments. Chair: Aida Rosende Pérez
- Asier Altuna (Universidad de Deusto). “Nostalgia and Involution in Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland: Donal Ryan’s The Spinning Heart (2012)
- María Amor Barros Del Río (Universidad de Burgos). “In the clutches of the (Celtic) Tiger: Family ties in Anne Enright´s The Green Road (2015)”
20:00 – 20:45 Cultural event (Aula Magna Facultad Filosofía y Letras): Flamenco guitar recital by Nacho Estévez, “El Niño”
21:30 Gala dinner (Restaurante Montal, C/ Torre Nueva 29)
Saturday 28
I: (Colegio Universitario Pedro Cerbuna 1). Commemorating and assessing the revolutionary period. Chair: Chris Gilligan
- Thomas Hennessey (Canterbury Christ Church University). “What the Irish Revolution Destroyed: a United Ireland”
- Jeffrey Leddin (University of Limerick). “‘They fought in the one common cause’: Irish Citizen Army and Irish Republican Army relations, 1916-21”
- Stephen Hopkins (University of Leicester). “1916, 1981 and the Politics of Republican Commemoration and Memory”
II: (Colegio Universitario Pedro Cerbuna 2). Transnational phenomena. Chair: James Heaney
- Gustavo A. Rodríguez Martín (Universidad de Extremadura). “Shaw’s Ireland (and the Irish Shaw) in the International Press (1914-1925)”
- Olga Fernández Vicente (Colegio Vizcaya). “Irish Echoes in Basque Nationalism and Literature”
- Lydia Canning (Universidad de Granada). “Traditional Irish céilí events and Irish step dancing as vital cultural agents in the promotion of Irishness both past and present”
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break (Cafetería Colegio Universitario Pedro Cerbuna)
11.30 – 12:45 Plenary Lecture (Colegio Universitario Pedro Cerbuna 2): Dr Maureen O’Connor (University College Cork): “‘The wind is our confederate’: Nation and Nature in the Work of First-Wave Irish Feminists”. Chair: Asier Altuna
12.45 – 14.00 AEDEI GMM (Colegio Universitario Pedro Cerbuna 2)
14:00 – 14.15 Farewell (Colegio Universitario Pedro Cerbuna 2)
16:00 – 18.00 Guided Tour: Roman Zaragoza